We Support to Reach Full Potential

Who We Are

About ASG

Aloghar Support Group (ASG)-Germany e.V. is a non-political, non-profitable and secular NGO which is based in Dortmund, Germany. The organization was established by a group of philanthropists in Germany. The organization was established for the socio-economic wellbeing of the people in South and Southeast Asian countries.  The organization has also extended its services for the betterment of the people in other countries of the world. 

The word ‘Aloghar’ is derived from Bangla vocabulary, which means lighthouse. The organization is named as ‘Aloghar’/ lighthouse with the philosophy that this organization with its every single step directs  the people (like a lighthouse) to use their full potentials and realize their human rights.   As this support group is based in Germany,  hence it is called Aloghar Support Group – Germany. In short, the organization is also known as ASG-Germany. 

Since 2015, this group of philanthropists have been taking informal initiatives for the socio-economic wellbeing of the people. At the end of 2016, initiative was taken by them for the formal establishment of the organization. The organization works on particular themes with some cross-cuttings issues and based on some organizational values. 

ASG-Germany has got its formal registration (Registration no. VR 7296) on 23rd of August 2017 from the City Court of Dortmund.

Thematic areas

Immigrants and Refugees

The organization is working to contribute for the realization of rights of the immigrants and refugees. Advocacy and networking for the immigrants and refugees is one of the focuses of this theme. Direct and indirect services are also provided to them. The organization also works for their integration in the host community /country. Where necessary, the organization also take measures for secured repatriation of the immigrants and refugees in their countries of origin.
ASG-Germany e.V. also implement projects and programs (in partnership) in the source countries to minimize potential harmful and risky migrations.

Environmental Protection, Climate Change and Disaster Management

The organization is contributing to the protection of the environment through promoting the best practices that will contribute to less harm/ no harm to the environment and climate change. Projects and programs are implemented in Germany and partner countries to contribute to environmental sustainability. Advocacy, Protests, Demonstrations, Seminar, Workshops, Trainings, Conference etc are organized to ensure environmental wellbeing and climate security.
The organization is also working for disaster preparedness and response with their partner organizations to address both manmade and natural disaster.

Betterment of Working Conditions

The organization is working for the betterment of working conditions of the labourers in their respective countries. Under this theme, the organization focuses for lessening /removal of working hazards of the labourers and promoting safety and security in their work. The organization is also contributing to promote their rights. Organization’s projects and programs also create alternative opportunities for those who are engaged in hazardous jobs due to their extreme poverty. This program is also contributing to reduce both external and internal force migration.

Education and Capacity Development

The organization is working for the education of the children and adults. Projects and programs are initiated with partners in the respective partner countries (along with in Germany). To make education enjoyable for the children, especially at primary level, the organization is promoting extra – curriculum activities for their physical and mental development. The organization takes initiatives to reduce the dropout of the children from the school and also works for the mainstreaming of the dropout children.
Along with the adult education, the organization also works for the capacity building of the people who are engaged in development cooperation.

Along with the above four themes, the organization is working on Child rights, Gender and Disability as the three cross cutting issues.

Child rights

In the programs and projects, the organization promotes the rights of the children in light of “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, or UNCRC-1989”.The organization conceptualize and implements projects and programs according to their ‘Child Protection Policy’. ASG-Germany e.V. promotes the works of the partner organizations according to their respective child protection policy. 


ASG-Germany e.V. promotes Gender Mainstreaming in their own projects/programs, human resources, financial aspects and policies. The organization also promotes gender mainstreaming in the partner organizations. The organization works with Gender And Development (GAD) approach, which was introduced in 1980’s. ASG-Germany e.V. supports Gender Equity measures where male members are considered as partner to promote women rights. The organization works to eliminate discrimination against women and third gender in the light of CEDAW (1979): ‘Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women’


The organization and its partners are not discriminating any one due to her/his disability and taking equity measures for the people with disability to ensure their active participation in the programs and projects. Measures are also taken for barrier free movement of the people with disability in every spheres of the programs, projects and operations. 

Project initiatives for the people with disability are prioritized by ASG-Germany e.V. 

Programming Approach

ASG-Germany e.V.  is working with the following Programming Approach:

Direct services​

The organization provides direct services through its projects and programs, where the duty bearers are still struggling to demonstrate their full accountability. To some cases, these are associated services along with the duty bearers.


The organization implement their projects, programs and conduct their operations in partnership with other like minded organizations in Germany and other countries. Resources, opportunities, challenges, achievements, failures etc are shared among the partners to achieve common goals.


The organization is doing networking with other like minded organizations to increase mutual strengths and opportunities.  Indirect support to the beneficiaries are also ensured through network partners.

Capacity building

The organization is working for the capacity building of different stakeholders, where right claimers will be able to claim their rights and the duty bearers of different level will fulfill their responsibilities in a more efficient way. The organization helps the beneficiaries with such a strategy , so that they can help themselves in a sustainable way.


The organization is doing advocacy with the duty bearers (of different tiers), to make them responsible for the beneficiaries and target people.

OUR Values

The organization ASG-Germany e.V. is based on the following 7 values which is applicable for its board members, management, staffs as well as registered volunteers:

01. Leadership by example

The organization does not lead people by what we say to them; lead them by what they see we do, means what we say is reflected by words and works in professional and  personal life. In simple terms, it means what we do for others through our projects and programs, we do believe the same for ourselves.

02. Secularism

The organization is secular. Nobody is being privileged or underprivileged due to his religious affiliation, belief and/or practice.  Everyone associated with the organization should maintain due respect to others’ religious affiliation, belief and/or practice. It expected that all our potential / present partners should also maintain due respect to others’ (their own stakeholders) religious affiliation, belief and/or practice

03. Nonpolitical

The organization is neutral to political affiliation (active politics) both in Germany and at anywhere outside of Germany. That means, this organization should not reflect the ideologies and manifestos of any particular political party in home and abroad. But the board members, management, staff as well as registered volunteers of the organization can have their  political affiliation (in Germany and outside of Germany) in their private lives

04. Non-discrimination and diversity

No one in the organization will be discriminated due to her/his sex, gender role, sexual orientation, ethnic identity, disability, religious beliefs, political affiliation in private life and/or dieses (HIV+, Cancer or any other diseases) suffered. In case of contagious diseases, the board members, management, staffs as well as registered volunteers can take security measures and distances, but this should not lead to discrimination against the individuals. 

The organization can take equity measures against the discriminated and underprivileged people. At the same time, holds a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy against discrimination. It expected that all our potential / present partners should also maintain non-discriminatory policies and practices.

05. Participatory

Decisions are made in this organization  in a participatory way with the people,  those who are directly affected (both positively and negatively) with the decision. 

In case of project and program formulation, the organization follows the ‘Bottom –Up’ Approach.  That means direct beneficiaries decide what they need and how they want to meet this need. Based on their needs, projects and programs are formulated by the partners and supported by ASG-Germany e.V. Beneficiaries’ voice is heard, valued and respected in the cases of Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning.

06. Transparency

Programs, Operations, Policies, Financial aspects etc are transparent and easily accessible by those people, who are directly affected and /or associated with these Programs, Operations, Policies and Financial aspects.

07. Sustainability

All the programs, policies, projects, decisions are adopted by the organization to promote only socio-economic, physical, mental wellbeing of the people and environmental sustainability. In case of lucrative short term high value benefits that cause damages to the people and environment in the long run, the organization should avoid such initiatives and where necessary raise its voice against those decisions and /or steps.

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