ASG-Germany e.V.’s project in Germany.

Good practice sharing on sustainable consumption and lifestyle(SusLife 2,0). ASG Germany e.V. is implementing the second phase (Phase 2,0) of this project. The first phase (Phase 1,0)  was successfully implemented in 2019.  The beneficiaries of the project are housewives, students, academicians, businessmen and professionals from different cities of NRW state.

Through this project, the beneficiaries are helped to realize the importance of changing lifestyles by becoming responsible members of society and to contribute to sustainability. The key ideas discussed (during the workshops under this project) are:  i) adoption of principles of reducing, reusing, and recycling during the household consumptions, ii) discouraging the use of polythene bags and other plastic materials, iii) using bicycles and public transports to reduce the use of private cars, iii) using water and other natural resources responsibly iv) proper way of waste disposal, etc.

Under this project,  the beneficiaries as a group are encouraged to commit themselves to transform their way of living individually and play a catalytic role in society by inspiring others.

The both phases (SusLife 1,0 and SusLife 2,0)  are supported by Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen.

 Keep visiting our Website, and Facebook page for more updates.  For  additional information, please contact Ms. Munima Sultana, Program Manager, Environmental Protection, Climate Change, and Disaster Management Program:

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